Top 10 Most Dangerous Animals

Top 10 Most Dangerous Animals in the World

10. Cape Buffalo, it’s found in Africa and is responsible for killing more hunters on the continent than any other animal.

9. The Cone Snail is found in warm waters around the Caribbean and Hawaii near reefs and rock formations. They have harpoon like teeth that make them one of the most venomous of all snails.

8. Golden Poison Dart Frog  It’s found only in South America. It’s brightly colored and it’s poison is so strong that it can kill 10 grown men with the poison of only one frog.

7. The Box Jelly Fish is found in waters off Australia and is likely the most venomous marine animal.

6. Next on the list is the Puffer Fish or blow fish.  It lives all around the world especially in Japan, China and the Philipines. It’s toxins are found in the skin, muscle tissue, liver and kidneys.  They must be prepared very carefully when getting ready for human consumption.

5. Black Mambo is a snake found in southern and eastern Africa. It is highly venomous and can grow up to 14′ long.

4. Salt water crocodiles are next and found in the Indo-Pacific region around India and Vietnam and all the way up to northern Australia. They can get huge, as big as 23′ long and weigh more than a ton. Their bite power can rival that of the T. Rex.

3. Tsetse Fly, a tiny creature that’s the size of a common house fly. It’s found in at least 36 countries in Africa. Their terror lies in the parasites they spread. Toxic pathogens are the cause of African Sleeping Sickness.

2. The Mosquito, it’s number 2 on the list of most deadly animals in the world. They top the list due to the sheer amounts of deaths they cause each year from pathogens they carry.  There are more than 3 thousand species worldwide and cause at least 725 thousand deaths each year.  Diseases they carry include Malaria, Encephalitis, Yellow Fever, Dengue Fever, West Nile virus and the Zika virus.  Mosquitoes afflict 700 million people per year. More than 1/2 of the entire world population is at risk for mosquito borne diseases.  Memphis is one of the areas with very high mosquito populations. Please let Rosie’s Pest Control help keep the mosquito population under control in your area.

1. And the number one most dangerous animal is…..Humans!  Deaths from war alone is somewhere between 150 million and 1 billion throughout history.  It’s a no-brainer that humans are the most dangerous animal in the world.

By |2017-08-20T20:54:27+00:00July 7th, 2017|Dangerous Insects, Mosquitoes, Rosie's Pest Control|Comments Off on Top 10 Most Dangerous Animals

Fire Ant Facts

  Watch out, here come the fire ants.

  • Fire ant is the general name for quite a few species of ants in the genus Solenopsis. They are only a minority in the species, which includes over 200 species of Solenopsis worldwide. Solenopsis are stinging ants and most of their common names demonstrate this, for example, ginger ants and tropical fire ants. Many species also are called red ants because of their light brown color, though species of ants in many other genera are similarly named for similar reasons.
  • Fire ants reside in large colonies made up of up to 250,000 worker ants.
  • Fire ants are so called because of two reasons – first, they have a reddish appearance and second, they have a very painful sting.
  • A typical fire ant colony produces huge mounds in open areas, and feeds mostly on young plants and seeds. Fire ants often attack small animals and can kill them. Unlike many other ants, which bite and then spray acid on the wound, fire ants bite only to get a grip and then sting (from the abdomen) and inject a toxic alkaloid venom called Solenopsin.  For humans, this is a very painful sting, a burning sensation, similar to what one feels when burned by fire (hence the name) and the after effects of the sting (or multiple stings) can be deadly to sensitive people.  Fire ants are more aggressive than most native species and  have driven many other species away from their local habitat.
  • Need help with fire ants? Let Rosie’s Pest Control come out and provide you with a treatment plan and estimate.  Click here to have someone from Rosie’s Pest Control give you a call to set up an appointment.  Memphis area residents only at this time.
By |2017-08-20T21:15:11+00:00April 24th, 2017|Dangerous Insects, Memphis Insects, Memphis Pest Control Firm, Pest Control Memphis|Comments Off on Fire Ant Facts

Wasp Season Is Here

Wasp Season is Here in Memphis!

It’s wasp season in Memphis, TN and surrounding areas.  This is the time of year when they begin swarming and searching for a place to nest.  Last fall’s newly hatched queens are ready to get to work and keep the wasp population growing.  Be sure to seal up any places in the home or roof where they can enter the home or attic to nest.  It’s also advisable to spray the exterior thoroughly to steer the searching wasp to other greener pastures.  Wasps can be dangerous and often sting as a group so for the allergic person or dog, their sting can be quite serious.  Children are at a particularly high risk with multiple stings.  Katie Fox, our technician will come and inspect your home and treat the exterior for this invasive and dangerous pest.

By |2017-08-20T21:20:29+00:00March 30th, 2017|Dangerous Insects, Memphis Insects, Memphis Pest Control Firm, Wasps|Comments Off on Wasp Season Is Here

Spring Pest Control Specials

Pest Control Begins Early in the Spring in Memphis

This year with an early spring in Memphis and surrounding areas, early treatments are more important than ever. Pests are already on the move and early treatments can help tremendously in keeping the population under control.  There may still be a few days of freezing temperatures but spring does seem to be coming early this year as evidenced by all the early blooming and budding trees and shrubs.

Package plans make monthly pest control easy and affordable. Save $25 Now!

We offer several plans that include all forms of pest control. We also offer mosquito spray plans to keep your yard comfortable all summer long. We are having a spring event for a limited time for new customers. Sign up for our monthly plans and receive $25 off of your first treatment!


By |2017-08-20T21:25:42+00:00March 8th, 2017|Dangerous Insects, Memphis Insects, Memphis Pest Control Firm, Mosquitoes|Comments Off on Spring Pest Control Specials
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